Latest Archive | brox IT-Solutions KNOW-HOW TO SUCCEED Thu, 19 Sep 2024 07:39:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Latest Archive | brox IT-Solutions 32 32 Contract Management Wed, 04 Sep 2024 08:34:40 +0000 How we at brox are setting new standards in contract management with knowledge graphs and LLM-based AI.

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How we at brox are setting new standards in contract management with knowledge graphs and LLM-based AI.

Wednesday, September 9th, 2024

In a world in which contracts are becoming ever more complex and extensive, traditional manual review processes are increasingly reaching their limits. In an innovation project funded by the European Social Fund Plus / European Regional Development Fund, we at brox are currently developing a pioneering solution to take contract management to a new level using knowledge graphs and LLM-based AI.

Google-Suchergebnisseite für die Suche ‘job postings teacher düsseldorf’. Über dem ersten Treffer wird ein Bereich angezeigt, in dem Stellenausschreibungen angezeigt werden.

Manually checking contracts is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Especially in the B2B sector, where every clause and every paragraph can be crucial, it is of enormous importance to ensure efficient and error-free processes. In a world where contracts are becoming ever more extensive and complex, manual checking processes are therefore increasingly reaching their limits. Not only are they time-consuming, but they also carry the risk of overlooking important details, which can lead to significant legal and financial consequences.

Our customers repeatedly tell us about the following challenges, among others:

  • A lot of time goes by when searching for documents.
  • Incorrectly handled or lost documents can cause considerable damage.
  • Duplicate filing causes personnel costs and consumes space and material resources.
  • Work processes are confusing, nobody knows where a document is currently located.
  • Project and company knowledge is hoarded by individuals and not made accessible to others.

Or in figures:

  • up to 30% of document accesses are unsuccessful because the documents are incorrectly filed, have disappeared or are being processed.
  • 50% or more of the documents have to be copied and filed in several folders so that they can be found with every type of search.
  • On average, each document is copied 2-3 times. The volume of documents is growing continuously.
  • The actual time taken to process a document until it is finally filed is less than 10%. The document is not available for most of the time it is lying around or in transit.

It goes without saying that companies with a corresponding use of resources will find it difficult to remain competitive with agile, lean and innovative companies in the future and hardly needs any further explanation.

The challenge: efficiency and accuracy in IT contract review

In the field of IT services, especially in complex industries such as the automotive industry, contract analysis requires not only legal expertise, but also in-depth technical knowledge in areas including software development, network technology, database management and more.

Many of the currently available software solutions for contract analysis reach their limits when it comes to the specific requirements and complex technical expertise in the IT sector. A new generation of tools is needed that can not only efficiently process large volumes of contract data, but also understand the intricacies and nuances of technical details.

An innovative approach to solving an old problem

Aware of these challenges, we at brox decided to develop a solution in an ambitious research project that combines the best of both worlds: in-depth domain knowledge about IT contracts and state-of-the-art AI technologies.

At the heart of the project is the development of a knowledge graph that structures specific knowledge about IT contracts in the automotive sector and makes it machine-readable. This alone is a milestone, but the real innovation lies in the combination of this knowledge with a self-hosted, LLM-based AI. This AI will be able to not only analyze contract content, but also identify contradictions, make recommendations for action and even generate contract documents automatically.

During the project, the solution will first be tested internally and then gradually rolled out in a pilot project – probably by spring 2025. This will allow the technology to be optimized under real-life conditions before it is made available to the wider market.

How the tool will change the market

The introduction of this innovative solution promises to fundamentally change the way companies manage their contracts. For companies, this means a drastic reduction in the effort and error-prone nature of contract review. Contracts can be analyzed faster, more accurately and with unprecedented efficiency.

In concrete terms: faster and more precise answers to contractual questions, smoother compliance with service level agreements (SLAs) and the opportunity to use state-of-the-art technologies that optimize their internal processes and strengthen their competitiveness. The time previously spent on tedious, manual processes can now be used for more strategic tasks.

However, the true strength of this solution lies in its ability to combine knowledge and technology in a way that was previously unthinkable. By integrating AI and Knowledge Graphs, companies can not only work more efficiently, but also position themselves as pioneers in their industry – ready to actively shape the future of contract management.

At brox, we want this research project to be not only an answer to the challenges of today’s market, but a visionary step towards a future where contracts are no longer just documents, but dynamic, machine-understandable sources of information that give our customers a real competitive advantage.

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Der Beitrag Contract Management erschien zuerst auf brox IT-Solutions.

]]> Time Ontology Fri, 14 Jun 2024 15:12:49 +0000 Dashhboads visualize important key figures from analyses in graphics as required. Such visualizations can also be of great importance in incident management. Our colleague Patrick Heger reports on five important tips and hints for creating an incident management dashboard in our new blog post.

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Case study: a browser embedded ontology-driven app for finding time intervals

Friday, June 14th, 2024

RDF (Resource Description Framework), SPARQL, ontologies and other Semantic Web Stack technologies are typically associated either with academia or with big corporate data integration projects where knowledge graphs solutions enable what is hard to achieve without the sophisticated modelling functionalities they bring. Knowledge graphs related projects rarely even come into spotlight, mostly being complex, in-house, long-term iterative processes.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate Semantic Web technologies can be easily used by developers and data engineers to quickly solve concrete problems and accomplish specific tasks. All of this without big budgets, expensive triple stores or PhD in applied logics. There are two motivations behind this goal (inspired by the insightful Ora Lassila’s talks1):

  • RDF and SPARQL combined with ontologies can bring what would be hard to achieve using other solutions: self-describing data with accessible semantics. This semantically enriched data enables easier sharing between applications, APIs, people, or creating what recently is being called data products.
  • Lack of dedicated tooling, specialized apps, libraries, or services associated with concrete ontologies that could be useful to solve concrete tasks. There are many valuable ontologies published, but they do not come with the necessary tooling that would help developers and data specialists to adapt them and use them in their own context (which might make Semantic Web technologies more popular).

To demonstrate this, we will implement an ontology-driven project and provide an interactive browser embedded demo. In order to avoid restricting our scope to a particular domain, this effort will focus on temporal relations between events and discovering several types of time intervals. After reading this article you will gain an insight on:

  • using ontologies with your data
  • using RDF to produce self-describing data

Project outline

Events data can be found everywhere – from enterprise data warehouses, application servers, IoT devices to application logs stored on your laptop or mobile phone. It can be found in every domain and very often as the input for various analytics processes. Performing advanced analytics tasks with raw event data might be difficult when discovering the temporal relationships between events is required (for example checking chains of overlapping events). Let us consider enriching the raw event data with relationships defined in a publicly available ontology and see how the generated RDF dataset could help us with further processing and sharing of our data.

Our goal is to transform an input dataset consisting of CSV records (or RDF triples) with start and end timestamps/dates into a new RDF dataset which maps the events from the input against each other using basic temporal relationships like temporal overlap, containment, etc. When given such a task one must decide whether to use an existing ontology or create a new one.

Choosing an ontology

(You may skip this section if you are an experienced ontologist).

An ontology describes the semantics of a given domain by defining properties and concepts and the relationships between them in a way that can be understood and shared by applications and people involved. A useful, well-designed ontology provides not only a vocabulary but also building blocks for creating data-driven applications and can be used as an artifact in software development. This is because the ontology-defined axioms, concepts and rules are also data which can be consumed and manipulated by application code.

It is recommended to look for an existing ontology to avoid reinventing it and to use something that was already successfully applied in a commercial or community project. A useful domain ontology2 should:

  • Support reusability in different contexts
  • Enable partial usage of its content (cherry picking)
  • Feature modular implementation to cover various aspects in case of a wider or complex domains
  • Contain natural language descriptions of the introduced concepts understandable to domain experts and its technical users (developers, data specialists, consultants, etc.)
  • Avoid unnecessary dependency on top-level ontologies

Software developers would quickly realize those criteria are similar to the ones related to choosing an appropriate software library for their project. In fact, many high-quality OWL ontologies resemble high-quality software libraries. They are open source, have a concrete maintainer and community support and are available online.

Sometimes it would be enough to extend an existing ontology rather than create a new one from scratch. When working in a less common domain or given a demanding task you might be unsure whether an appropriate ontology is available. It might be useful to reach out to Linked Data/Semantic Web/Knowledge Graph communities or experienced consultants when in doubt whether an existing ontology for a given project exists.

Time Ontology

In the case of our project, we can rely on the Time Ontology which satisfies all the above criteria of a user-friendly domain ontology. It defines generic categories and properties for modeling and representing temporal aspects in any context. The fact that time is one of the basic aspects of our reality requires usage of high-level, more abstract concepts like instants or intervals. However, to remain applicable in different areas, it avoids introducing too many assumptions and concepts and clearly describes its theoretical outlook. “The basic structure of the ontology is based on an algebra of binary relations on intervals (e.g., meets, overlaps, during) developed by Allen al-84af-97 for representing qualitative temporal information, and to address the problem of reasoning about such information”. Below is the diagram of the thirteen elementary relations between time periods (proper intervals whose beginning and end are different):

Google-Suchergebnisseite für die Suche ‘job postings teacher düsseldorf’. Über dem ersten Treffer wird ein Bereich angezeigt, in dem Stellenausschreibungen angezeigt werden.

For the scope of this project, we will search through data for the most common interval relations:

The hyperlinks above refer to the precise definitions of respective interval relations which can be easily translated into SPARQL queries. Since our use case requires modeling temporal intervals but not instants, we can assume each event to analyze has two data properties – start time and end time – each referring to an xsd:datexsd:dateTime or xsd:dateTimeStamp value3.


To enable processing data entirely on the client-side, we decided to choose the Rust programming language to embed the Oxigraph SPARQL engine in a web browser using WebAssembly (Wasm). Since Oxigraph can be used not only as a triplestore server but also as a Rust library, it is a natural choice for implementing a Wasm-driven client-side app transforming raw event data into RDF triples.

To increase the performance of our interval detector, a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query is generated for each event with parametrized start and end timestamps (and not using a single query to analyze the entire dataset).

Interval finder demo

The Interval finder demo is available online under

You can use it with your own data without any restrictions because it does not upload the submitted dataset to any server, but instead processes it internally in your browser. You can start by submitting the predefined example RDF and CSV datasets. Before processing your data, please read the instructions on the demo website to learn how to handle custom properties and bigger datasets.

Submitting the example CSV will result in a response containing each of the supported interval types. Example:

What can be done with the RDF response? It can be easily shared between various applications and systems. You can use one of the commercial or open-source triplestores to gather analyzed interval data and perform additional data processing or data validation using SPARQL, SHACL or OWL. You could also use Linked Data integration platforms like eccenca Corporate Memory to integrate those results with even more data. Let us know if you need more information.


Semantic Web technologies are not restricted to big projects with big budgets and centralized architecture. This article demonstrates they can be used to solve concrete problems and make producing meaningful data much easier.


  1. KGC 2022 – Ora Lassila, Amazon – Will Knowledge Graphs Save Us From the Mess of Modern Data Practice – “self-describing data with accessible semantics”; Ora Lassila – Graph Abstractions Matter | CDW21 Presentations – support ontologies with predefined libraries (“ontology engines”).

  2. In a simplified way ontologies can be categorized into top-level, domain and specialized ontologies. Top-level or sometimes called upper-level ontologies are extremely broad in its scope targeting to be applicable for each domain which means they try describing the outline for the entire reality (including immaterial things like dispositions, attitudes, roles etc.). While some of their implicit or hidden ontological (or metaphysical) assumptions might fit your worldview and ideas embracing them might lead to making your domain ontology more verbose, less reusable or limit their applicability because of too restrictive and opinionated philosophical assumptions. In most cases the advice is to start with a domain ontology or its specializations (lightweight, task-specific specialized ontologies).

  3. A full, low-level Time Ontology integration would assume a separate pair of start/end instant objects for each interval, which would lead to the creation of many additional triples. Since we want to create a lightweight client-side (web browser) solution, we want to keep the data footprint minimal to avoid unnecessary processing overhead.

Piotr Nowara


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Der Beitrag Time Ontology erschien zuerst auf brox IT-Solutions.

]]> Test management Tue, 19 Mar 2024 14:20:46 +0000 We explain how test management becomes the decisive factor for first-class software quality. Discover the essence of test management, from planning to test automation, and optimize your test processes for maximum efficiency and quality. We are happy to support you in optimizing your test management and help you dominate the market with outstanding software quality and performance.

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Test management

Test management: your key to first-class software quality


Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

The indispensable role of test management

In the dynamic world of technology, software quality often determines the success or failure of a product. Given the unique challenges of each project, one thing remains constant: the need to deliver world-class software. This is where test management comes into play, often marking the fine line between triumph and defeat.

More than debugging: the essence of test management

Test management is far more than just tracking down bugs. It involves the careful planning, execution and monitoring of test activities to ensure compliance with the highest quality standards. By identifying and resolving problems at an early stage, not only can quality be improved, but significant time and cost savings can also be achieved.

Control and monitoring: the heart of test management

At the heart of test management lies the efficient control and monitoring of the entire test process. It is crucial that all test activities are systematically planned and executed and that their effectiveness is continuously evaluated. This process enables continuous improvement and ensures that the software meets the specified requirements.

Test automation and non-functional testing

In today’s world, test automation is essential to keep up with the speed of software releases.Automated tests ensure efficiency and consistency.At the same time, non-functional testing, which covers performance, security and usability, is critical to delivering robust software.

The power of test metrics

Test metrics are essential to objectively measure the success of testing activities and uncover areas for improvement.Regular evaluations and adjustments to test strategies can continuously increase the efficiency of test processes.

Tackle your test management

Is it time to revolutionize your test management? Start with a critical review of your current practices and identify opportunities for improvement.Whether it’s implementing new tools, expanding your automation strategy or upskilling your teams, the key is to be proactive.

We can help you optimize your test management. Together, we can ensure that your software products not only reach the market, but also dominate it with outstanding quality and performance.

Eike Näther

Senior Consultant

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]]> The change of brox Wed, 14 Feb 2024 15:38:48 +0000 How the brox has reached its current form over the years and where it is heading.

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The change of brox

How the brox came to its current form over the years

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024


brox is characterised by its family atmosphere and does not want to lose this perk during processes of growth. The vision is to combine organic growth with the brox-identity. Various challenges must be overcome on the way, such as a close integration of new locations as well as the integration of externally regulated processes. To ensure this, new personnel must be recruited who not only have the necessary experience but also share brox’s values.

Initial situation

The beginning of 2018 marked the start of a change for brox. At that time, brox has already been an established consultancy for well-known DAX companies. Under the roof of brox, consultants who mostly worked independently but still wanted to enjoy the advantages of being employed had joined forces. The hierarchies were flat and the identity of the company was characterised by a familiar and friendly atmosphere among colleagues.

While consultants were concentrating on the core business, tasks relating to finance, controlling and marketing were outsourced to external companies. The acquisition of new projects has mainly been characterised by a strong network with partners and the successful completion of projects.

New locations

Until 2018, brox was located only active in Wolfsburg. In 2018 and 2019, a new company site was opened in Stuttgart and a virtual site in Mannheim. The site in Stuttgart brought new projects in the sector “IT Architecture & Infrastructure” and the Mannheim site added the competence of “Information Management” to its portfolio.

Both of the new locations enabled brox to expand its consulting portfolio and to position itself across Germany. However, the physical distance between the locations also brought new challenges. brox now had to be managed across several locations. Therefore, it was necessary to create structures that would maintain high quality within the new company structure.

The mission

Energized by the growth that the new company locations entailed, the company wanted to maintain its pace. The goal was to create the structures and processes required for organic growth. At the same time, special attention was paid to ensuring that the identity of brox, characterised by family-like cooperation, freedom and room for creativity, was not negatively affected. To ensure this, a balance had to be found between flexible and fixed processes and structures.

The individual locations also had to be more closely integrated with one another. While they already functioned very well as independent bodies, the communication between the locations was now to be significantly improved in order to extend the sense of community to the new structures. In addition, it was intended, that this would enable expertise spread throughout the company to be utilised for all projects.

Furthermore, the growing size of the company meant that processes that had previously been outsourced to external companies could be partially re-integrated internally. To avoid this being an additional burden to the consultants, suitable personnel had to be recruited.


The first step was to consolidate the existing consulting services in order to focus on the core competences. Four core areas were finally consolidated from the many small consulting packages that were offered at the various locations: “IT Sourcing Management”, “Information Management”, “IT Architecture & Infrastructure” and “IT Lifecycle Management”. This focusing made it possible to specify internally which areas brox can serve best and at the same time to offer a well elaborated portfolio to customers. With the intention of creating clear structures, the topics were allocated to the company sites. Wolfsburg consulted on “IT Sourcing and IT Lifecycle Management”, Mannheim on “Information Management” and Stuttgart on “IT Architecture & Infrastructure”.

To ensure the desired flexibility despite this fixed distribution of topics to locations, employees always had and have the opportunity to work on topics of other locations. For this to work well, the locations must be closely interlinked and productive communication channels must be brought in place.

Interlinking the locations

To strengthen the communication between the locations, an internal position was created to act as a central point of contact for cross-locational issues.

A quarterly newsletter has already been introduced and established as part of QuickWins. It contains various news from all the company’s locations, e.g. presentations of new colleagues. In addition, cross-site team events and meetings are organised so that employees can regularly see each other in person too, despite the physical distance.

We have already been able to see an effect of these measures: Colleagues from Stuttgart and Wolfsburg are jointly leading their customers to success.

Integration of externally managed processes

An essential part of the growth strategy is to integrate processes that were handled by external companies so far into brox by creating internal structures. This involved finding suitable personnel.

In this context, a new resource was recruited who is responsible internally as the central contact person for the topic of “Finance and Controlling” and works together with the external accounting department. Although this means that many processes are still handled externally, the internal resource can exert more influence on the execution of processes and their conformity with the company’s own strategy.

In addition, an experienced sales manager has been recruited who is responsible for acquiring new customers and projects. This has taken the burden off the partners and consultants, who can now concentrate more on their core work.


For marketing and HR tasks, we specifically looked for juniors and working students who could take over the tasks of external companies in these areas. On one hand, this gave us more control over these processes and, on the other hand, working students were directly given challenging and significant tasks. This gave them the opportunity to grow with their tasks and later work on larger projects independently.

The first initiative was the social media team, which has been led by working students since the start of the project last year. They are organised as an independent team and report regularly to the management. Their tasks include fostering the social media channels, developing the website and finding and implementing new ideas in the area of marketing. In this context, for example, the ‘blog’ category has already been introduced on the website and a specialised webinar has been planned and implemented.


Brox has managed to grow steadily thanks to numerous named measures while retaining its identity at the same time. All of our new employees are welcomed into the family atmosphere and benefit at the same time from the new structures, which make it easier for them to join the company and their day-to-day work. They can also take part in internal initiatives and contribute to shape the company thanks to the flat hierarchies. The scope of creative action has continued to grow and the integration of external processes has made it easier to make the very most of it.

However, we are not done yet and so it is important to continue working on the tasks mentioned and to constantly work and address potential for improvement.

Justin Lee Weis

Justin Lee Weis

Partner / Prokurist

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]]> Team Event at the Lauschhütte Mon, 30 Oct 2023 14:48:10 +0000 In September, the brox teams from Stuttgart and Mannheim took on an exciting challenge at the Lauschhütte in Bingen. In addition to a challenging daily task, the program also included an overnight stay in a tree house.

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Team Event Stuttgart and Mannheim 2023

Team Event Stuttgart and Mannheim: Impulse Chain at the Lauschhütte

Monday, October 30th, 2023

Teambuilding at the Lauschhütte

The brox teams of Mannheim and Stuttgart had a joint team event! In September, we went to the Lauschhütte in Bingen, where we were in for a little adventure – an overnight stay in a tree house. After arriving individually, we discussed the planning of the event during lunch and then faced the task of the day – an impulse chain.

We stood in front of four wooden tables that touched each other and were each marked with a different piece of paper. Written on them were: “steam”, “seesaw”, “lift” and “free fall”. These were the tasks of the respective table, with which a chain reaction was to take place.

We were then divided into two teams and each of the teams had to complete two of the tasks in one hour each. The teams were provided with old toys, wood, pipes, screws and other fastening materials. The great “tinkering and building” began and for two hours the teams went wild as each tried to successfully implement their team’s idea.

To everyone’s amazement, the end result was a complete success, because apart from one annoying little positioning error, we had actually made it! The chain worked perfectly until the end!

After this success, we celebrated with a barbecue, which turned into many funny conversations and ended with a half-frozen and smoked brox-team. So everyone went to their tree house and we embarked on the “sleeping in nature” experience.

The next morning we had breakfast together, philosophised about the correct use of silverware for honey-butter sandwiches, discussed what to use butter with and got to know “Broxy” our future team mascot (the owner doesn’t know about it yet).

Afterwards we went on a little Bingen-Rüdesheim tour. This started with a short boat trip across the Rhine, where we then took a small chair lift in Assmannshausen, first between gardens and then across small vineyards and forests towards the top station. There we started the hike through the Niederwald to various beautiful viewpoints, the theoretically pitch-black Magic Cave and the Niederwald monument, the Germania.

With growling stomachs, we started the journey home by cable car, with a stopover in an Italian restaurant. Re-energised, we returned by boat to our cars in Bingen, where we parted ways for the weekend.

Sophie Mitterweger

Sophie Mitterweger

Working student

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]]> Team Event: Golf Trial Course Thu, 14 Sep 2023 13:17:53 +0000 On September 7, Team Wolfsburg had the opportunity to try out a new sport. In perfect weather, the golf skills were put to the test during a taster course at the Wolfsburg Boldecker Land e.V. golf club.

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Team-Event Wolfsburg 2023

Team event Wolfsburg: Golf trial course

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Golf trial course in Braunschweig

On 7 September, our Team Wolfsburg had the opportunity to put their golfing skills to the test at the Wolfsburg Boldecker Land e.V. Golf Club.

In fantastic weather, the team was first able to try out the basics of golf in a crash course under the guidance of a trainer from the local golf school. From putting to chipping to teeing off, everything was tried out and looked at with regular feedback from the trainer.

Following the introduction to golf, the newly learned skills could be directly applied on the 6-hole practice course. Small groups were formed and competed against each on the course.
To round off the afternoon and early evening, everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner with Croatian specialities.

It was a great event, which all participants enjoyed very much!

Sebastian Molitorisz

Sebastian Molitorisz

Working Student

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]]> Creation of an incident management dashboard Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:27:26 +0000 Dashhboads visualize important key figures from analyses in graphics as required. Such visualizations can also be of great importance in incident management. Our colleague Patrick Heger reports on five important tips and hints for creating an incident management dashboard in our new blog post.

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Creation of an incident management dashboard

5 Tips for Creating an Incident Management Dashboard


Friday, November 24th, 2023

1. Know your target group

There are many potential target groups for Incident Management data. In addition to process performers and process management, this also includes middle and senior management as well as customers and users of the company’s products. 

As a general rule, there should be one dashboard per role. Management needs a different view of the process than the Incident Management itself, and customers need a different perspective than hardware technicians.

2. Consider the recipient

After analyzing the target group, other fundamental factors come into focus: After the “Who?”, the “How?” needs to be answered. 

In other words, it is a matter of imagining the recipient in the very moment of reading the report: Is the dashboard actively presented and the elements explained one by one? Will the report be read at a quiet desk or in a crowded elevator? 

After answering these questions, it is clear how quickly the dashboard needs to be understandable and therefore how the metrics need to be prepared: 

The more time available and the more concentrated the reading, the more information can be incorporated into the dashboard. Deep analyses and filter options, for example, should only be included if there is enough time for the recipient to use them. 

3. Key figures, key figures, key figures

In the area of Incident Management, there is an almost unlimited number of useful metrics. Which ones are to be selected for the dashboard depends on many factors. 

Together with the target group, the focus and the observation period are also determined. A strategic dashboard usually contains key figures for several months or years, while a tactical view contains a few weeks to a few months. Operational metrics usually only include data from a few hours to a few weeks. 

We will share a small part of our most used metrics: 

Strategic key figures:

  • Medium and long-term trends of the overall incident process, including for example:
    • Incident volume 
    • Response, reply and resolution times 
    • Resolution depth incl. first resolution rate 
    • Compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Operational Level Agreements (OLA)
  • Trends in the allocation of CIs or services, including main centers of outages
  • Consideration of changes to the process, e.g. change of service provider 

Tactical key figures:

  • Considerations of time periods around major events such as high-priority incidents or releases 
  • Representation of seasonal or other cyclical variations
  • Use of issues to analyze and resolve common incidents 
  • Number of tickets in the current backlog by units

Operating key figures:

  • Content of currently open tickets / backlog 
  • Tickets shortly reaching response, reply or resolution time 
  • Current open Problems for long-term resolution of Incident (-clusters)
  • Current open Changes for the resolution of incidents 
  • Resolution depth 
  • Ticket volume by CI (for early detection of clusters)

The selection of the appropriate key figures is essential for the meaningfulness of the dashboard. Sufficient time should be planned for this step in order to be able to consider several variants. 

4.Place within current reporting

After all content-related questions have been clarified, a final question needs to be answered: 

Is this dashboard really needed? 

Many companies already have similar or even identical reports that can be used with little effort. Likewise, some key figures or considerations may already exist in other dashboards. A detailed analysis of the existing reporting system is therefore particularly important for the long-term benefit of the dashboard. 

If parts of the key figures are already used, it is quickly possible to check whether the existing report can be delivered to a larger target group. If not, the identical data source should be used in any case to avoid data-related inconsistencies and confusion. 

5. Form follows function

The question of form is usually asked too early. This should only be considered after all the key figures have been selected, so as not to cause any compromises in terms of content. 

Once all key figures have been defined, the question arises as to the sequence and form of presentation. There are three principles for this: 

1. Display similar key figures close to each other 

If a section of the process is to be illuminated from different sides, the key figures should be placed next to each other. The key figures for reaction time and response time form a logical block in the statement and should therefore also form a visible block in the display. 

Google-Suchergebnisseite für die Suche ‘job postings teacher düsseldorf’. Über dem ersten Treffer wird ein Bereich angezeigt, in dem Stellenausschreibungen angezeigt werden.

2. From critical to non-critical 

Particularly important key figures should be placed at the top left along the usual reading direction, while deeper analyses tend to be given a place at the end of the report. If something should come up while reading, the most important information will still be conveyed. 

Elements without their own information, such as filter settings, should also be placed in the lower part. 

Google-Suchergebnisseite für die Suche ‘job postings teacher düsseldorf’. Über dem ersten Treffer wird ein Bereich angezeigt, in dem Stellenausschreibungen angezeigt werden.

3. Clear and distinct diagrams 

Within the company, there is usually an unwritten law about what kind of diagrams are used for what use cases. Adhering to these conventions ensures that recipients quickly understand the content. 

If such conventions do not yet exist, it makes sense to use elements that are as simple as possible. An element is ideal if no simpler one with the same expressiveness exists. 

Google-Suchergebnisseite für die Suche ‘job postings teacher düsseldorf’. Über dem ersten Treffer wird ein Bereich angezeigt, in dem Stellenausschreibungen angezeigt werden.

Patrick Heger

Patrick Heger


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]]> brox Summer Party 2023 Tue, 25 Jul 2023 08:38:13 +0000 25 years of brox! The summer festival celebrating the anniversary was an entertaining gathering of all employees. From moving speeches to culinary highlights and a captivating fire dance show - the celebration was a great success! An unforgettable anniversary that was celebrated by the whole brox family.

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Summer Party 2023

brox Summer Party 2023

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

Summer Party

25 years brox! This milestone was celebrated at this year’s summer party. Since the company was founded in 1998, brox has gone through many exciting phases and this had to be celebrated in a fitting manner. Therefore, the necessary funds were provided to make this celebration an extraordinary gathering. The celebration took place on Friday, July 7, 2023, in a beautiful restaurant in the center of Stuttgart. All brox employees were invited, from those who have been with the company since the beginning to the newest colleagues, from managers to working students.

The day began with the arrival of the employees in Stuttgart. Overnight accommodations were reserved for them. This allowed everyone to celebrate without worrying about the way back. After they had checked in, rested, and put down their bags, it was time to go to the celebration. Cabs were provided for those without cars, but some decided to make their way on foot. So everyone gathered at the beautiful “beach restaurant” at 6pm and the party could begin!

Not only brox employees were present, but also colleagues from the sister company eccenca. Everyone had the opportunity to bring a companion and thus share the event with their loved ones. Welcome cocktails were waiting at the entrance of the restaurant and immediately the evening started with a round of greetings.

The brox employees are spread across the various locations in Wolfsburg, Stuttgart, Mannheim and Hanover, and most of them work from their home offices. So it was an opportunity for many to meet and get to know each other better. So the conversations continued happily and everyone took a seat in the beautiful outdoor area of the restaurant. The forecast was for a sunny 30 degrees, and everyone could only enjoy that. The weather was wonderful, and of course there was no dress code – the motto was “come as you are”. Shorts, flip-flops, T-shirt – the clothing styles were varied, but all suited the beautiful summer atmosphere.

Before opening the buffet, the CEO took the floor and told the story of the founding of brox. The road was filled with obstacles, but through determination and hard work, the level we can see today was achieved. His close business partner also gave a speech and personally thanked each and every employee, from those who have been with the company for 15 years to those who started just a week ago. In fact, brox made a record, three new hires at once in July 2023. After the speeches and acknowledgements, the buffet was opened and there was something for everyone! Vegetarians and vegans were also accommodated so everyone could eat and drink. Conversations continued briskly as we ate. Desserts were also provided after the meals: Yogurts, creams, fruits – there was really an abundance of choices.

Around 10 p.m., a surprise was waiting for everyone in front of the restaurant: a fire dancer! Indeed, we were allowed to experience an impressive fire dance show with rousing music and captivating effects. This surprise increased the good mood even more and prepared us for the second surprise: a DJ! The company had hired a DJ for the evening to close the party in the best way: with an open dance floor! Everyone danced exuberantly to good music. Those who wanted to be playful had the opportunity to challenge themselves in Mario Kart on Nintendo Switch or test their skills in table soccer. The party lasted until 3 a.m. As the staff and guests slowly returned to the hotel, it was time to rest from this eventful day.

The next morning, breakfast was offered at the hotel, and the celebration was not over yet! A joint visit to Stuttgart Zoo was planned for this Saturday, July 8, 2023. Everyone who did not already have to leave could participate. So the circle of this 25th anniversary of brox was closed. 25 years, but this is certainly only the beginning, because the brox still has many successes waiting for it!

Yvan Dzefak

Yvan Dzefak

Working Student

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]]> Embedded RDF Thu, 04 May 2023 09:02:41 +0000 RDF can be embedded in webpages with JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa. In services like search engines and social networks, this can improve visibility and drive more traffic to your website. Embedded RDF in external websites can potentially enrich your own knowledge graph. Read more about RDF and it’s applicability in this blog post.

Der Beitrag Embedded RDF erschien zuerst auf brox IT-Solutions.

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Embedded RDF

Wie Webseiten RDF einbetten und wie man strukturierte Daten aus dem Web extrahieren kann


Thursday, May 04th, 2023


RDF can be embedded in webpages with JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa. In services like search engines and social networks, this can improve visibility and drive more traffic to your website. Embedded RDF in external websites can potentially enrich your own knowledge graph.


RDF, the foundation of the Semantic Web and Linked Data, is a standard for describing and exchanging data.

One of the advantages is that external RDF data can be quickly integrated in, and utilized by, your own RDF-based Knowledge Graph.

There are many publicly available datasets which can be downloaded in an RDF serialization (and some publishers also offer an endpoint which allows querying the data with SPARQL). To get an impression, the Linked Open Data Cloud lists some RDF datasets which are published under an open license.

But there is another possible source of RDF data: regular webpages which embed RDF as part of their HTML.

Why do webpages embed RDF?

There can be countless motivations for embedding RDF, but it should be safe to assume that most publishers do this to enable certain features in services like social networks and search engines.

In social networks, RDF can enable showing a preview of the webpage when the link gets shared.

In search engines, RDF (using the vocabulary can enable showing a richer result snippet for that page. This is relevant for SEO, as such rich results easily catch the eyes of the searchers, and this improved visibility can increase the click-through rate to your pages.

As an example, Google Search offers rich results for datasetsQ&As, and many more. The following screenshot shows the job postings rich result, which gets displayed at the top of the results page, even before the top-ranked regular results:

Google-Suchergebnisseite für die Suche ‘job postings teacher düsseldorf’. Über dem ersten Treffer wird ein Bereich angezeigt, in dem Stellenausschreibungen angezeigt werden.

Google Search query “job postings teacher düsseldorf”

How do webpages embed RDF?

There are three common syntaxes for embedding RDF in webpages:

JSON-LD gets embedded within its own HTML script element:

Microdata consists of attributes (e.g., itemprop) that get added to HTML elements:

RDFa, like Microdata, consists of attributes (e.g., property) that get added to HTML elements:

While Microdata and RDFa allow reusing the content that is already part of the HTML, JSON-LD requires duplicating the content.

How many webpages embed RDF?

The project Web Data Commons regularly analyzes the corpus of the project Common Crawl to find out how many of the crawled domains / pages embed triples (which includes the three syntaxes mentioned above, and certain Microformats):

Balkendiagramm mit den Jahren 2012 bis 2022 auf der X-Achse und der Anzahl in Millionen auf der Y-Achse

For each year between 2012 and 2022, this bar chart shows how many of the crawled pay-level domains published Microdata, JSON-LD, hCard (Microformats), and RDFa. (Screenshot taken from, 2023-03-07)

For the October 2022 crawl almost 50 % of the crawled pages, and around 40 % of the crawled pay-level domains, contained triples.

How to notice if a webpage embeds RDF?

By default, web browsers don’t give any indication that a page contains RDF. Apart from checking the HTML source code, browser extensions could be used to detect RDF.

An example would be the Structured Data Sniffer by OpenLink Software. It displays the RDF in an overlay in the top right corner:

Screenshot eines Browsers, der eine Stellenausschreibung auf LinkedIn geöffnet hat. Die Browsererweiterung OSDS legt ein Fenster über die Webseite, in dem das extrahierte RDF angezeigt wird.

How to extract the embedded RDF?

The above-mentioned Structured Data Sniffer allows to view, download, and upload (e.g., to a SPARQL endpoint) the extracted RDF. It supports the serializations JSON-LD, RDF/XML, and Turtle.

Another option, suitable for a programmatic approach, is the Python library and command-line tool extruct by Zyte. It outputs everything in one JSON object, which contains JSON-LD objects for the extracted RDF.

Join in!

Do you want to utilize embedded RDF? For example, to integrate it in your own knowledge graph?

Do you want to embed RDF in your webpages? For example, to increase visiblity for your search engine result?

Let’s get in touch to see if we can support you.

Stefan Götz

Linked Data Consultant



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]]> Frequent transition management challenges in the sourcing lifecycle. Thu, 16 Mar 2023 13:30:00 +0000 The management of IT landscapes is becoming increasingly time-consuming due to their growing complexity and is therefore happily outsourced. After a strong partner has been found, the transition phase begins. In this blog post, we want to look at some of the challenges of this phase using two examples.

Der Beitrag Frequent transition management challenges in the sourcing lifecycle. erschien zuerst auf brox IT-Solutions.

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Transition Management

Common transition management challenges in the sourcing lifecycle


Thursday, March 16th, 2023

As a result of the constantly increasing complexity of IT landscapes, more and more companies want to employ an external partner to handle these tasks so that they can focus on their core competencies within the company. After a partner has been successfully found by the sourcing management, the tasks are then transferred to the external service provider. This process is called transition. In the following, we will look at some of the challenges of this phase using two examples:

  1. The initial transfer of service packages to the external service provider.
  2. The transfer of a service package from one service provider to a new service provider.

The transition phase can directly put the relationship between client and contractor, which is still quite young at this point, to a tough test. Based on our experience, we can say that it is precisely in this phase of the sourcing lifecycle that the greatest challenges and problems arise in the cooperation. The reasons for this are often poor project planning using the wrong methodologies, non-transparent communication between both parties, basic requirements that have not been created (e.g. with regard to the organizational structure and/or process organization), or even a lack of resources and availability.

What challenges arise in case study one and how can they be avoided?

In this case study, we assume that there is little to no experience with outsourcing and the necessary transitions in the company or on the client side. However, the lack of experience is usually not the root cause of the challenges that arise. The reasons are more likely to be an unprepared organizational structure and/or process organization.

Outsourcing a service package for the first time always means change within the company. These changes affect, among other things, previously lived processes, meeting structures, existing roles and functions, and the “mindset” of the affected employees. The contract usually strictly specifies which processes, roles and functions are to be handled and staffed on the service provider side, as well as which bodies are to be used to transparently report on the current status of service provision in the future.

This is accompanied by necessary changes on the client side, which significantly affect the employees who previously provided the outsourced services themselves. New roles and functions with a different mindset must therefore be created, as performance is to be monitored and controlled in the future.

Each individual employee will therefore have to rethink and grow into a new role in the future – away from their own provision of the service to the management of the future service provider. In order to be able to ensure adequate service provider management, new or adapted processes as well as roles and functions must therefore be described and created on the client side.

This necessary transformation within the own organization is often very underestimated and leads to a limited ability to perform the role of service provider management in practice. The result is often a defensive attitude on the part of the employees, a disturbed partnership from the start, and (in the worst case) a strategic goal that has not been achieved or only partially achieved.

It is therefore essential to prepare the employees and the organization for the changes. The current organizational structure and processes must be analyzed, particularly with regard to the currently existing roles, functions and committees as well as the delegation/escalation and information flows, in order to initiate the first necessary measures before the actual transition. Only if the company’s own organization is adapted to the future contract and service model, it can effectively support the transition with the right focus.

However, a transition always involves two parties. Thus, we would like to use the next question to identify further challenges caused by the service provider. Even if the question relates to the second case study, these errors can occur in the same way and additionally in the context described above.

What challenges can arise when, as described in example two, a new service provider takes the place of the old service provider?

In this case study, it is assumed that the client side has already gained experience in supporting transitions and that the organization is already aligned with the current contract structure. Thus, this question tends to focus on the service provider side.

After selection via the tender process, the contractor must now integrate and process considerable amounts of information in its organization within the transition. This includes the application of the right project management methodology, appropriate project planning including the establishment of a functioning project organization, transparent and open communication with the client side (customer) – especially in the event of problems and challenges – and the provision of qualified resources.

A transition must be planned before it begins, and the milestones to be achieved by the contractor (service provider/managed service partner) must be agreed and described. For this purpose, the right project management and tracking methodology must be selected jointly. In most cases, this coordination does not take place until the start of the transition and takes about 2-4 weeks. Since a transition is usually tightly scheduled for cost reasons, these 2-4 weeks are often missing at the end of the transition and cause delays already at the start of the project. We therefore recommend that this rather “formal coordination” is always carried out before the official transition start in the so-called “pre-transition phase”. This period, which is based on the complexity of the service packages to be transferred, ranges from four to eight weeks. In addition, this time can be used to start onboarding for key positions in the project. In this way, any delays within this process can be mitigated and the transition team’s ability to work at the start of the transition can be ensured.

Agreeing on the transition milestones in as much detail as possible ensures that a uniform understanding of the delivery services expected by the customer is created. If this coordination does not take place initially before the start of the transition, there is no detailed and, above all, no documented agreed target definition for the future service provider. This can lead to difficult and unnecessary discussions later in the course of the transition, especially if a postponement of the transition completion is expected, or can prevent the regular acceptance of the transition.

Just as important as aligning planning and milestones is selecting the right project management methodology. In most cases, a transition via the Cynefin model can be classified as “complicated”. Therefore, the application of “classic” project management methods such as the waterfall model or PRINCE2 is recommended here. However, the situation should be analyzed and evaluated individually. The application of the wrong methodology leads to inaccurate planning, insufficient documentation and thus causes delays and/or misunderstandings, which in turn lead to commercial repercussions on the part of both parties.

The correct selection of the project management methodology, detailed documentation of the completed coordination (e.g. via protocols) including the project plan as well as the detailed definition of individual project milestones is absolutely necessary in order to avoid delays or escalations in the further course of the transition. The documentation of the points is usually taken over by the service provider side and should be released in writing or by mail by the client.

At least as important as the documentation of the previously mentioned points is the correct communication, preparation and presentation of the transition progress. The service provider should regularly report on the transition progress and communicate transparently and openly when challenges arise.

Problems are often “dragged out” and target dates are postponed without taking a closer look at the effects. For such changes, a “change process” should be defined within the project, in which the client must agree, for example, to the postponement of a target date. Furthermore, the service provider should be required to document “project changes” and continuously assess the risks that arise. This documentation can be used as a basis for decision-making in the event of later escalation and is therefore correspondingly important.

The transition lays the foundation for further cooperation in regular operation. An unsuccessful and delayed transition usually leads to a disturbed relationship with the partner and the unexpected full delivery of services in the subsequent regular operation. With correct forward planning, consistent application of the right project management methodology and open, transparent and performance-oriented communication, many of the challenges highlighted can be avoided or reduced.

Sascha Brandt

Sascha Brandt

Senior Consultant

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