Summerparty 2022 in Leipzig
Thursday, August 18th, 2022
On the weekend of July 1, 2022, the summer party of the two partner companies brox and eccenca took place in Leipzig. For this purpose, colleagues from all locations arrived at the jointly booked hotel around mid-afternoon and, after a short break, gathered at the Panorama Tower, the location for the summer party in the evening.
Followed by a flying buffet, the welcome of the executive board of both companies took place. Thereby also the team colleagues could see and talk to each other again, who had been facing each other only via webcam for some time. Accompanied by drinks and appetizers, all team members from the various locations were able to toast to a successful year 2022 so far during lively conversations on the roof terrace and in the lounge.
In a lively atmosphere, with music and dancing, all those celebrating their jubilees were honored during the course of the evening. Together with you, the evening ended on the rooftop bar of the hotel in Leipzig.
The city tour
To get to know the hometown of the partner company eccenca better, all colleagues met the following day for an interactive scavenger hunt through Leipzig. The teams were divided into groups, each of which received a tablet with a collection of target points.
With the help of the tablets, various target points had to be reached, at which questions were unlocked. Not only did they have to answer questions about the city of Leipzig and the company itself, but the groups’ general knowledge was also tested. Correct questions and completed tasks were rewarded with points. The aim of the scavenger hunt was to reach as many target points as possible and to have answered the most questions correctly at these points.
Around noon, the groups met again and their points were compared. The winning group was honored and the participants received vouchers as prizes.

Sebastian Molitorisz
Working Student