Creation of an incident management dashboard

Dashhboads visualize important key figures from analyses in graphics as required. Such visualizations can also be of great importance in incident management. Our colleague Patrick Heger reports on five important tips and hints for creating an incident management dashboard in our new blog post.

Embedded RDF

RDF can be embedded in webpages with JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa. In services like search engines and social networks, this can improve visibility and drive more traffic to your website. Embedded RDF in external websites can potentially enrich your own knowledge graph. Read more about RDF and it’s applicability in this blog post.

Frequent transition management challenges in the sourcing lifecycle.

The management of IT landscapes is becoming increasingly time-consuming due to their growing complexity and is therefore happily outsourced. After a strong partner has been found, the transition phase begins. In this blog post, we want to look at some of the challenges of this phase using two examples.

Linked Data and Job Postings

Job postings typically include the required skills to perform the advertised job as unstructured text. Several different terms can be used to represent a set of similar skills. This makes searching for jobs that match a given skill set complicated. Read more about a solution that uses knowledge graphs to address this problem.

Practical example of a storage migration

In this practical example of a storage migration, the individual challenges that can accompany a storage migration are explained. The reason for the migration was a simple extinguishing systems test. Read more about how we dealt with the challenges and what lessons can be learned from that for other storage migration projects.

Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge graphs are the main component of the work of our Information Management department. Despite the many possibilities that knowledge graphs offer, not everyone is yet familiar with them. Read this post to find out how knowledge graphs help you speed up your data integration processes and reduce costs.

Generating Lead Information

Customer relationship management in the heavy industry domain is characterized by large customer databases that sometimes lack actionable information such as the business area the client is operating in. Gaining new actionable client information is vital, while manually finding this information is cumbersome…

Pharma Semantic Search

The integration of information from regulatory documents and R&D databases often requires a manual search in various documents and databases. In cooperation with a pharmaceutical company, brox has developed a solution using Knowlede Graphs that enables a simple search in the data…

The Best Practices of Storage Migration Part (3/3)

Often, the company’s IT outsources many tasks associated with a storage migration to an external service provider. Yet the basic to-dos are generally known and are sometimes explicitly included in the companys list of requirements. The details: An analysis…

Storage Migration Pitfalls Part (2/3)

Good communication is one of the key success factors in your storage migration. You should not underestimate the number of processes, departments and people involved. In addition, the many people involved who do not have a background in IT do not always have the technical understanding…